The Directorate of Research, Innovation and Development (DRID) of the Ghana Institute of Journalism on Friday 2nd September 2022 held a Paper Development Workshop at the North Dzorwulu Campus in Accra.

Opening the seminar, the Director of DRID Dr. Este Sikanku stated that, the purpose of the workshop was to provide an avenue for researchers to learn from the ideas and knowledge of their colleagues and to help researchers who have similar interests collaborate.

Mr. Francis Oko Armah, Co-founder of YouthKommunity.org presented a study he undertook with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFDP) themed “Understanding how leadership in effective youth-driven approaches can contribute to expanded access to contraceptive use among adolescents and youth”. The study aims to understand how Ghana’s approaches under FB 2020 provided access to affordable and available family planning services and how these approaches can lead to expanded access to contraceptive use among adolescents in the future.

Ms. Faustina Kyerewaa Barfi, a library staff of the Institute, presented a concept she plans to develop into a paper. The concept titled “How data can be protected to advance E-Government system” will focus on how the data of civil registrations regarding birth, marriage, and death are captured, and how they could be protected and help in governance.

During the peer review process, participants came out with data security or mechanisms that could be included in developing the paper. This included reliability of data, backups available for data collected, synchronization of data and security codes to safeguard data.

Dr. Etse Sikanku stated that every research work needs to meet the standard of social science research because it will be used to make decisions and formulate policies.  He added that a researcher should demonstrate clarity on how data will be collected and justify the use of such data collection methods when conducting research.


By Gloria Azumah