The Finance Directorate is one of the pivots on which the Ghana Institute of Journalism (GIJ) revolves. The directorate receives, takes custody and disburses the Institute funds in accordance with the GIJ act 2006 (Act 717), the statutes and the Public Financial Management Act 2016 (Act 921).
The GIJ’s Finance Directorate has metamorphosed through the years from Cash based accounting & reporting, Hybrid and now reporting on the Accrual basis of Accounting.
It is the most visited directorate by staff and students for business transactions because of its central nature in carrying out the planned activities for the achievement of the organizational goals.
The objective of GIJ’s Finance Directorate is for transparency, accountability, integrity and accurate reportage on its operations.
The main roles and responsibilities cover a wide range of activities which includes but not limited to financial planning, reporting and controls, Short and long term investments, cash management, providing information to assisting management in making strategic decisions, corporate finance and Accounting.
It starts with recording of financial data, recognition, measurement, reporting and analysis to enable evaluation and corrective measures for deviations.
There are four (4) departments under the directorate namely;
- Payroll
- Budget
- Accounts
- Stores/Inventory and Non-Current Assets
The Stores is one of the critical departments of the directorate for which an eagle eye is kept. Over stocking of Inventory brings capital tied-up and under stocking leads to shortages and stoppages. Hence a balanced stores managed by efficient and effective staff.