Michael Tuffour
Director, ICT
Michael Tuffour is the Director of I.T Services for the Ghana Institute of Journalism. Before becoming the Director of I.T Services, he was the Head of Information Technology Department at the Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons (GCPS) Ridge, Accra from December 2014 to June 2020. He was the first I.C.T Manager for the GCPS and he led the institution in the formulation of various I.T related Policies such as Network and Systems Security Policy, I.T Policy etc.
During his leadership as the Head of I.T, he implemented a College Information System which is an application used in managing Staff and Residents records as well as an e-log booking system. He also led in the implementation of a digital repository System with Dspace.
Prior to joining the GCPS, he was a Senior I.C.T Assistant at the University for Development Studies (U.D.S), WA Campus. He worked with the UDS from October 2009 to November 2014. During this period, he was also teaching Management Information System at the University of Cape Coast Distance Learning Center at WA on part time.
Before joining UDS he briefly worked as a Network Administrator with SwGlobal Ghana Ltd.
Mr. Michael Tuffour holds Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Information Technology from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and he is also a Certified Project Manager from the Project Management Institute, USA. He holds Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology from the University of Cape Coast. He has a certificate in Cyber Security and Cyber Attacker and Defender Modules from the Kofi Annan International Peace Keeping Training Center, Accra, Ghana.
His main research interest lies in Virtual Private Network (VPN ) with focus on IPsec VPN and MPLS VPN.