I am delighted to welcome you to the University of Media, Arts and Communication (UniMAC), the premier university for media, arts and communication training in Ghana. The University of Media, Arts and Communication (UniMAC) was established by the University of...
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Commitment to Excellence
Linking theory and practice
Accountability with integrity
Excellent teaching and learning environment
Short Courses For Practitioners and the General Public in Communication-Related Areas
Learn from the very best
Working hours
Monday- Friday: 8:00-16:30 Hrs
(Phone until 16:30 Hrs)
We are here
32nd Gamel Abdul Nasser Road
No. 5 Alboran Street, South Legon
(Dzorwulu Industrial Area)
Address: P.O.Box GP 667, Accra
Phone:(+233) 302 228336
Fax:+233 302 221750
Email: info@gij.edu.gh